Provectus Therapeutics aims to develop innovative solution to advance precision oncology, new drug development and ,ultimately, personalized cancer treatment for every individuals.

Together, let’s transform the landscape of oncology and provide every patient with the optimal personalised and effective therapies.

High Throughput
Single-AI Platform

Over 1 million cancer cells undergo High Throughput Drug Screening on Single-AI Platform , including : 

–     Morphological Analysis
–     Drug Resistance after treatment
–     Pharmacodynamic Responses

High dimensional phenotypic analysis on single cell reveal Inter / Intra-heterogeneity in tumor.

Responses Profiling

Based on single cell phenotypic responses and hidden correlation between FDA-approved anticancer drugs, subpopulation in complex tumor are profiled.

Provectus.AI predict optimal combination therapies to achieve the best anticancer efficacy. 


Over 70 morphological and phenotypic features are extracted from each individual single to investigate the correlation between multi-omics and drug responeses.

Our proprietary AI algorithm discover the hidden mechanism in drug resistance in cancer biology .

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Single Cell Matters in Cancer Research & Drug Development? 

Cancer is a disease characterised by highly genetic mutations that occur within individual cells, which explain why conventional cell population study fails to reveal the Intra- / Inter- tumor heterogeneity. By analyzing single cancer cells, researchers can identify rare subpopulations of cells that drives the cancer’s progression and understand the mechanisms behind treatment resistance to identify potential therapeutic targets. 

Why Single Cell Phenotypic Analysis is important ?  

Single cell phenotypic analysis allows researchers to study cellular heterogeneity and understand diverse drug resistance during cancer treatment. This approach provides a more  comprehensive understanding of tumor growth, metastasis, and treatment resistance.  

Although single cell multi-omics data is crucially important in current diagnostic and cancer treatment decision, Phenotype Variability, Off-Target Effect and Diverse Drug resistance of cancer cells are still the best challenges in cancer treatment. 

What Provectus Therapeutics can contribute to your research ? 

Our Next Generation Drug Screening AI Platform , powered by Artificial Intelligence and Microfluidics, achieve high throughput drug screening experiment on over 1 million single cancer cells. Based on the corresponding phenotypic responses, Provectus.AI will predict the optimal treatment (drug combination, dosages and treatment duration) to achieve the best anticancer efficacy. 

Cancer Research  
High resolution tumor analysis is achieved to discover the correlation between multi-parameter multi-omics (i.e. DNA, Biomarkers, Checkpoints, and Drug Resistance) of each highly mutated cancer cells.

Drug Development
Preclinical Testing Service allows biotech / pharma companies identify potential drug candidates and novel combinational therapies, which achieve the most promising therapuetic efficacy on Next Generation Drug Screening AI Platform, at early preclinical stage in drug discovery.